The Kappa PM class designed the stand stenciling project, which had brothers tighten stands and spraypaint new "ISU School of Music" stencils on each.
The prospective member Kappa class of Spring 2011 chose as their service project to repair and re-stencil the ISU ensemble stands to reflect the School of Music’s renaming.
After getting approval from Dr. Nancy Cobb Lippens, Director of the School of Music, all available stands were gathered in the band room, where brothers organized the stands by ensemble. The stands were tightened with the help of honorary brother Kelly Fallon, Instrument Repair Technician. After this, the stands were wiped down and spray painted black. A new “ISU School of Music” stencil was spray painted on each. After this, the name of each ensemble, studio, or room was stenciled onto the corresponding stands. After all stands had dried, brothers returned them to the proper ensemble or studio.
This project directly benefited not only the university’s bands, but also the orchestra, choirs, percussion ensembles, and faculty. It also allowed us to celebrate our School of Music’s new designation and provide a service to the larger School of Music community.