Members of the Lambda Lambda chapter serve on at least one committee; chapter officers serve on both the Executive Committee and a separate committee. There are three standing committees open to all members: Membership, which handles recruitment, the membership education process, and brotherhood events; Programs, which handles service projects and philanthropic events; and Finance, which coordinates fundraisers and helps create the budget.
Besides these three regular committees, special committees may be created and dissolved by the President or chapter.
Executive Committee
- Caitlen Douglass, President
- Avery Arthur, Vice President of Membership
- Grace Coryea, Vice President of Programs
- Jessica Conatser, Treasurer
- Grace Stockhaus, Member at Large
- Micah Sanchez-Hawkins, Sentinel
- Emma Lanham, Historian
- Ellys Davenport, Relations Officer
- Aiden Kantner, Secretary